1. Getting to see someone I haven't seen in such a long time. 

2. Listening to music that I know all the words to at full blast.

3. Late night texts and calls that take forever to end and there is always laughter in between the conversation.

4. Having an idea and working on it and watching it take place. It's like the happiness of watching your baby succeed.

5.  Making faces while taking photographs with friends.

6. Taking a really really good picture.

7. Finding a book that I can read up to 4am and when I wake up its the first thing that I read. When I finish reading it, I start having deep thoughts on the book.

8. When my friends suceed while doing something they are good at.

9. Trying new things and having first experiences because I LOVE EXPERIMENTING!

10. The feedback I get from a post or a story. You guys rock. You are the bomb diggity.

11. Finding shoes and clothes that fit me well.

12. Being in the company of someone and I cannot hold back anything. 

13. Chilly water. The one where you finish the whole bottle when all you wanted was a sip.

14. When a tv show gets renewed.

Happiness should be something that we experience everyday and let us try to do something that makes us happy.